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About Dogs Breeds

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About Dogs Breeds

Maltese dog, as described by a Greek philosophy, Theophrastus is one of the breeds "Melita", a name previously used to Malta (the name in the Mediterranean region). Let's look at this article and for our next article we can see About Dogs For Kids Facts continue to follow updates from this blog article.

This dog was developed in Italy with a mixture of blood-spaniel and Miniature Poodle. This spirited little dog who first thought was brought to England by Crusaders (soldiers who took part in the fighting in the Crusades) from the Mediterranean. This type became popular, particularly among women, who used to hold them and even sleep with them. But, not only with women, Publius, the Roman governor in Malta, presented a painting and even wrote a poem about his dog, Issa. Right now, a pet Maltese coveted and dogs exhibit very famous.

Maltese is a small dog is suitable to be friends. Sparkling white feathers dangling down. This breed has no undercoat, and fur should not be wavy or curly. The coat should be shiny and along the length of approximately 8.5 inches (22cm). Ears shut down and its tail is covered with feathers to the back. Snout slightly tapered and have a third of the length of the head. Nose should be black and nostrilnya stopnya open perfectly and should be clearly visible. His body should be slightly longer than his height with a balanced spine. This breed has a balanced and stable bone. When running, the proportional Maltese would look like a white cloud (feathers) floating above the ground.

Health ProblemsThis breed easily sunburned parting section. Skin problems, respiratory, eye and tooth. This breed may also be a bit difficult to eat because of weak digestion. They may have a fever and feel uncomfortable in hot weather. Maltese should be kept away from damp areas. It's good, you teach them to pee on paper (paper-train), to avoid going outdoors when the weather is bad.

This breed is very suitable for those who live in apartments or houses that are not too big. They are very active indoors and not be problematic if you do not have a yard. They also liked the streets on a regular basis or just playing around in the park and they still love to play even in old age. You do not need to invite them to frequently exercise because they do not really need.

Combing and brushing should be done every day, but do it gently because their fur is very smooth. Wipe their eyes every day to prevent stains and also clean the beard after meals for those same reasons. Bathe or dry shampoo to use on a regular basis and thereafter make sure they are completely dry. Clean their ears and pull the hair that grows in their ears. The eyes should be checked regularly and cleaned if necessary. Top hair is usually tied up, so as not to interfere with their vision. Some Maltese owners usually opt for a short cut dog hair is so much easier and it takes a lot of time while grooming. Maltese rare feathers fall out and it is suitable for you, allergy sufferers who want a dog.


About Dogs Breeds

Moderate size and looks proportionally according to the size of the dog. Skull slightly rounded at the top, stopnya being. Ears that go down is a bit low and covered with dense by feathers. Location of the eyes is not too far away, so black in color and round. Circle eyes emit a soft light as well as alert expression. Medium length muzzle. Black nose teeth should be flat, edge-to edge bite or a scissors bite. Still we continue article About Dogs continue to follow this article.

About Dogs Breeds


Neck long enough to support the head.


About Dogs Breeds

Compact (dense, small), Height from the withers to the ground equal to the length from the withers to the base of the tail. His shoulder blade is a bit skewed. Elbow is well located and close to the body. His back parallel to the spine. Open the ribs well. Enough in the chest, waist section is quite strong, and well located.


About Dogs Breeds
Tail long and hairy backside looks very beautiful. Mumbul tail end up.FootHave good bone and feet legs covered with feathers beautifully. Front legs straight, not bent. Strong hind legs and between the knees and ankles forming a good angle. Her feet were small and strong, with fingers black. Feather uneven in the foot, preferably in the trim to make it look more presentable.Fur and colorThis breed has no undercoat. Its fur is long, straight and shiny in all parts of the body. Top hair should be tied or left alone. Should not be curly fur, wool or textured. Clean white color. Light colors like tan or lemon on the ears is permitted, but not too desirable.SizeHeight: Males 8-10 inches (21-25 cm), females 8-9 inches (20-23cm)Weight: from 6 ½ - 9 pounds (3-4 kg)Although the required weight, keep the quality keselurahan also taken into account.AgeThey can live for about 15 years or more. Maybe even up to 18 years, but you have to keep them away from the area moist.

Movement / Step

About Dogs Breeds

Maltese moves with a smooth motion, very easy and sometimes even look like floating. If viewed from the side, it looks like I'm running fast, because their small size. When moving his legs moving straight and free of shoulder disorders. Rear legs moving in a straight line. Cowhocks or rear leg bent in or out is considered an error.

About Dogs Breeds

TemperamentDespite its small size, Maltese seem to never be afraid. A sense of disbelief and become one penyayangnya response to its appeal. Maltese is a breed of dog that is full of passion and love to play. He is very gentle, loving, trusting and devoted all his attention to his employer. She is also very smart. If you train him a trick, like sit or shake a hand, he'll learn quickly. But, do not forget to give him enough reward. This breed is also very brave and quick to react when they hear suspicious noises. He has been a friend since the first dog, it is very easy to love. He is also very easy to adapt to other animals. This breed love to play outdoors and also have a tendency to jump into puddles or mud. Well, If this is the case, he should be bathed! If you have small children who like fun for your dog, whether it's pulling at his ears or tail, you have to be careful. Sometimes this breed likes impatient, and a little bite. Sometimes they are very picky in terms of food. Give small biscuits and dry dog ​​food to them to keep their teeth strong and healthy. Do not be overly protective of these dogs, because they can become unstable and be jealous of your guests.

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